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in the mean time, watch this breakdown of the entire Zoom Sales Engine System:

This short video will walk you through the entire Zoom Sales Engine system, revealing

Turn Zoom Into Your Own Personal ATM

How Real Experts Are Getting $5,000-$55,000 Sales Rolling In Like Clockwork At A Fraction Of The Cost
Without Having To Deal With The Tech Or Any Of The Boring Stuff.


Click the image to download the blueprint

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“She cares more about helping and delivering than anybody I’ve ever been around”

Phillip Stutts
CEO of Win BIG Media

I Can't Wait To Chat With You And Create Experiences Like These!

"First of all it’s fun! I just really enjoy the interactions that I have with Yifat.
It has taken the marketing, the production and a way to connect with my audience to an entirely new level of intimacy and connection...And honestly, I can’t imagine building this incredible tribe without her."

Andrea Albright
Fitness Coach

Want To Be ‘That Girl’ Online?
I’ve learned so much from Yifat and everything she creates is genius (plus, she overdelivers by about 1000% so you know this is going to be fantastic).

Jules Taggart
a human-centered marketing strategist

Listen, I’ll get right to the freakin’ point.
Before I met Yifat, I knew so little about Google+ hangouts that it was just sad.

Since Yifat showed me (and my audience) the light, I’ve participated in my first Hangout (which was awesome) and I know my audience and customers have been hosting their own.

Yifat will help you dominate as well.

David Siteman Garland
The Rise to the Top

"It has been only 10 days that I have worked with Yifat and already I am in front of 1000’s of prospects that would never have known who I am if it wasn’t for Yifat’s proven system.

She makes the entire process easy yet so effective. I highly recommend working with Yifat if you want to be seen in a BIG way!"

Steve & Jayne Lowell
Master Trainer to High-Impact Speakers

"Before working with Yifat I didn’t know how to strategically build my online presence. I was simply posting links to my podcast, but nothing beyond that.

In a quick 30 minute conversation she’s able to Activate My Expert Gene and bring out my genius in a way that is authentic, unique and completely me.

Birgit Camps
Top Inc 500 Executive

"If you’re looking to get better on video, get better on content distribution,
if you’re looking to make more money and more sales, come learn from Yifat"

Arttemis Keszainn
visionary entrepreneur

in their own words...

Tired of the fluff and want to get results like these?

Book a call and let's explore whether you're ready to get the Zoom Sales Engine installed in your business