Activate Your Expert Gene to
Build Your Personal Brand
in just an ONE hour a month!
Activate Your Expert Gene to
Build Your Personal Brand
in just an ONE hour a month!
Josh Brunson was fed up. He was sick of being the secret weapon behind the top marketers' biggest pay days. As one of the best sales trainers out there, he knew his message deserved to be heard by more people.
But every time he tried to get in front of a camera and share his message, it felt fake and forced. He just couldn't do it alone.
Thankfully, Josh was able to get his Expert Gene Activated. Now he's finally able to be himself and share his message with the world in an authentic way.
His training videos are motivational and engaging, and they really help sales people out there achieve their dreams.
For IG and Facebook...
Reflecting your brand
Reflecting your brand
in your own voice
Welcome to a new paradigm
So now
Yifat has the pleasure of working with the top experts and best known in their markets
Before working with Yifat I didn’t know how to strategically build my online presence. I was simply posting links to my podcast, but nothing beyond that.
In a quick 30 minute conversation she’s able to Activate My Expert Gene and bring out my genius in a way that is authentic, unique and completely me.
I sit down to an invigorating conversation and 24-48 hours later I have 2 weeks full of social assets in all formats (video, images, social posts).
Her System Makes It Easy To Stay Consistent, Be Relevant And Visible Without The Immense Time Investment That Busy Experts Like Me Just Don’t Have.
I Really Love The Way You Draw Experts Out Of Their Shell And Capture The Energy Of A Two-Person Conversation, Then Present It As The Expert Talking Directly With The Audience.
This has been really helpful rather than acting or feeling I have to do a certain thing and hit certain points and talk about certain things I’m able to get out of my head.
It’s more natural... understanding the flow of train of thought and just having a discussion.
It‘s not playing a part it’s just me being me.
“She cares more about helping and delivering than anybody I’ve ever been around”
CEO of Win BIG Media
Can I do it myself?
Not really...
Aside from the fact that if you could, you would have done so already.. and you wouldn't be reading this...
The truth is that it's not natural to talk to a motionless camera. You may not know what to talk about... you may be too busy building your business... you may be great at what you do but not so great with the tech... and you may find the whole thing so boring that you keep postponing it.
It's nothing to be ashamed of. The most successful business owners have struggled with the same conflict for years.
You know how they solved it?
Not by themselves, I'd tell you that much.
They hired and trained the best, built teams around them and created systems.
But it didn't come cheap. To do it right you're looking at $100l-$120k before you even created one piece of content.
See for yourself:
Can I have my niece do it?
Say you knew exactly what needs to be done, what questions need to be asked, how to look and sound good on camera, what content should go into what platform, how often and in what format...
Say you knew how to write social posts, create curiosity and engagement...
How much time do you want to take away from building your business to spend training your niece, or that guy wondering in the office, or the kid next door... on all the nuances that go into positioning you as the Best Known expert out there?
Don't take it from me... take it from Gary Vee
Best known beats Best
It's not enough to be the best... if nobody knows you exist.
Take it from Grant Cardone:
What is the Expert Gene Activation?
Every expert out there has something I call "The Expert's Gene".
It's in their DNA to throw themselves into a topic and know everything there is to know about it.
They know it inside and out and they get so into it to the point that everyone around them is just tired of hearing about it.
People tell them to relax, to diversify. Many time they feel misunderstood, unheard and alone.
And so what happens?
That expert gene stays dormant and everything they put out there is vanilla (at best).
Even when they try to serve a big juicy steak it lacks the sizzle and they keep struggling to break through and shine like the big guys they see online.
But when that Expert Gene is activated, something magical happens - their brain enters a state of flow, their eyes light up, their energy shifts.
This happens when the expert is deeply engaged, feels heard, understood and truly enjoys the experience they're in.
When experts have their Expert Gene activated they turn into kind of a magnet that attracts people to them, make people want to share them and talk about them.
It's an addictive state to be in and it builds on itself - those who have their Expert gene activated seem to be succeeding and enjoying the process on a consistent basis.
Those who don't seem to struggle online barely moving the needle much, regardless of how hard they try.
Can I learn how to activate the Expert Gene?
Of course.
Those trained in the art of Expert Gene Activation are called CSI - Certified Strategic Interviewer.
This short 10 minute video will show you how you can get trained in the art of Expert Gene Activation
Can you train my team on this system?
Yes, of course.
See the little chat icon on the bottom right of the page? Click on it and let's see how I may be able to support you and your team.
How do you maintain my branding?
I work inside your Canva Pro, and use your own brand kit and fonts to maintain consistency.
If you don't have a brand kit yet, then we can discuss it during the strategy session and set one for you (usually included in the $1250 strategy and setup fees)
Yifat Cohen's "Expert Gene Activation" system is legendary. She has helped 6, 7, and 8 figure experts make hundreds of thousands of dollars in as little as 10 days using her unique engagement framework.
Google hired Yifat and flew her around the world to train their own team and speak at their offices (which they hardly let a non-Googler do). She worked with the city of Austin, was featured on radio shows, big stages and live events... all because Yifat understands one thing:
In our overly connected world, we are starving for connection.
And when we provide that connection we are rewarded with referrals, loyalty, and $$$.
Her clients have generated over $250,000 in 10 days from a dead list because of her Instant Trust strategy.
Others have made over $100,000 in that same span of time, while others saw 40% conversions and high ticket sales from cold audience.
Today, Yifat helps Experts activate their Expert Gene to grow their authority and business through authentic content in just 2 hours a month.