A Few of The Experts We LOVE working with:

See how we turned their Activation Session into brand assets.

Executive Sales Coach

Josh Brunson was fed up. He was sick of being the secret weapon behind the top marketers' biggest pay days. As one of the best sales trainers out there, he knew his message deserved to be heard by more people.

But every time he tried to get in front of a camera and share his message, it felt fake and forced. He just couldn't do it alone.

Thankfully, Josh was able to get his Expert Gene Activated. Now he's finally able to be himself and share his message with the world in an authentic way.

His training videos are motivational and engaging, and they really help sales people out there achieve their dreams.

Fortune 500 CEO

Birgit Camp is an extremely busy expert who’s helping Fortune 100 CEOs put out fires and ensure they don’t make hiring and firing mistakes that can cost them millions.

So busy that she only has time for a quick 15 min. podcast a week.

We worked together to discover who her audience follows, what topics they’re interested in and who should she align herself with, and within 24 hours she had 2 weeks full of unique assets in her brand and voice: Birgit uses Red for No-No’s, and Blue for specialized advice.

Relationship Coach

Gaby Sundra was launching her Va Va Vows workshop and needed content around the offer to attract people into her funnel and website.

Gaby has a very unique branding style that combines 3 different fonts in a very specific layout, which required much of her time to adjust and approve.

From one Activation Session Gaby received over 33 brand assets created in her own voice and true to her style.

Small Business Owner

Reut Shpigler launched her healthy bakery and needed to educate her followers that eating her bread helps them lose weight (indeed). She’s a local business in Los Angeles catering to the affluent and health conscience individuals.

Most of her business is done through referrals, word of mouth and Instagram DMs. And so that’s what we focused our efforts on.

This is Reut’s first time talking about her business in front of the camera. We think she did great!


Heather Pearce is the Legal Website Warrior with a mission to help entrepreneurs create successful businesses and greater influence in the world, and to leverage the resources I have to change the world for the better.

Her social media consists of her podcast (where she features others) and inspirational quotes.

But Heather Pearce is nothing like the image of a tough lawyer most of us have in mind. Her heart is so big and her story is so inspiring…

and you can’t help but fall in love with her when you see her on video.

Which is what she got 24 hours after her Activation Session – YouTube videos, Shorts and social posts that show the kind woman behind the lawyer title.

7 Figure CEO

Daniel Marcus is an expert is scaling companies. Daniel is the co-founder and CEO of Growth Institute, the leading online education company for C-level executives at fast-growing firms. He is a keynote speaker and a CEO Coach, with a mission to help 1 million entrepreneurs scale their impact and reduce drama in the process.

Daniel is interested in building his US brand and reaching a million subscribers on YouTube within 3 years.

In the first week of working together we got 2,318.37% increase in views and 154.65% in watch time on YouTube in just 7 days!

Here's the case study

Multi Award-Winning Global Speaker

Steve Lowell is the Founder of The High-Impact Speakers’ Studio, Multi Award-Winning Global Speaker and 3x #1 Best Selling Author. A busy-bee he just doesn't have the time to create consistent content to support his business growth.

That's where we came in 🙂

A general practitioner turned transformational acupuncturist

When Dr. Alex Joannou realized that acupuncture helped rid him of his Chron disease and that it can transform depression he knew he had to get the message out to more people.
Using our 727 service Alex is sitting back, relaxing and enjoys watching his numbers and impact go up.